Accessibility Statement for

Commitment to Accessibility

At, we understand that accessibility can be a challenge for individuals with various disabilities. We acknowledge that each person’s disability is unique, and what may be effective for one individual might pose difficulties for another. Therefore, we are committed to making reasonable efforts to accommodate as many of our customers and potential customers as possible, given our size, resources, and understanding of our users’ needs. To support this commitment, we have engaged the services of professionals to assist and advise us in these matters.

Accessibility on this Website

Our website includes several methods, features, and policies designed to enhance accessibility. Additionally, various aids provided by third parties and most browsers can further assist in accessing our website.

If you experience difficulties accessing our website despite using the features provided, we encourage you to contact us for further assistance. Contact information is provided below.

Specific Accessibility Features

We have integrated a third-party plugin called One Click Accessibility, which is designed to enhance accessibility with minimal setup and no need for expert knowledge. The One Click Accessibility toolbar provides several features, including:

  • Resize font (increase/decrease)
  • Grayscale
  • Negative Contrast
  • High Contrast
  • Light Background
  • Links Underline
  • Readable Font
  • Link to Sitemap / Feedback / Help pages

Accessibility Features Provided by One Click Accessibility

  • Enable skip to content
  • Add outline focus for focusable elements
  • Remove the target attribute from links
  • Add landmark roles to all links
  • Customizer for style adjustment

The One Click Accessibility toolbar is located at the LEFT of most pages on our website.

Enabling the Accessibility Menu

To enable the accessibility menu, click the accessibility menu icon in the toolbar. Please wait a moment for the accessibility menu to load completely after triggering it.


We aim to make ongoing improvements to parts of our website and its accessibility within our available resources. Achieving seamless, accessible, and unhindered use of our website is a goal we strive towards, which often depends on our awareness of the specific challenges users might face and the resources and technological advancements available to us.

Despite our efforts to improve accessibility in line with typical business practices for a company of our size and resources, some content, features, processes, or policies may still need improvement. We welcome your suggestions on how we can enhance accessibility.

Third-Party Applications

Our website may utilize third-party add-ons or “plug-ins” for specific functions, such as Google Maps and social media feeds. These may not work uniformly for all users or disabilities. Since we do not control these plugins’ structure, we cannot modify them to the extent needed to accommodate every user. Therefore, we are not responsible for these third-party elements.

Video Content

Our website contains or plans to contain video elements. Each video will either include closed captioning or a text equivalent located next to the video.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, feedback, or encounter accessibility issues, please contact us at:

  • Email:
  • Phone: +1 855 DYNAMIX

We are committed to addressing your concerns and improving our accessibility features.

Last Updated

This accessibility statement was last updated on June 10, 2024.

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