How To Go Passwordless With Tools You May Already Have

Please enter your username and password. For over 50 years we have been using a username and password as an authentication method for devices and web access. Nowadays, this method comes with more problems than benefits: end-users are having trouble remembering the multiple passwords for all the accounts needed to operate online. The result of which increases support costs for organizations due to the time and resources spent conducting password resets for customers. Not only that, simply by just having a username and password, your data is more easily compromised by hackers.

Going passwordless is emerging in 2020. A password does no longer meet the requirements in the virtual world we live in today. In this blog, we will go over several options that organizations can already implement to stay ahead of the curve – it’s time to start operating passwordless!

Password Managers

Password Managers are great tools to transition to a passwordless environment. A Password Manager is a tool to store the credentials of any portal or app and fetch it whenever it is needed for access. The general concept: A password vault. At first, the Password Managers (and all the passwords you stored there) could be accessed with one master password. Nowadays, with most Password Managers authentication can be done by safely and securely using biometrics or integrations such as Single Sign-On. Bye passwords.

Single Sign-On

Single Sign-On (SSO) might be something you have heard before. The concept is pretty similar to a Password Manager but it takes it a step further. SSO is an identity and access management solution for organizations that can integrate with directory services such as Azure Active Directory. If set properly, all employees need to do is login to their machine, open the SSO app and they can access all of their applications without a password prompt, while allowing IT departments to securely manage user credentials and access to apps – sounds simple, right?

Microsoft Authenticator

Until now, we have spoken about options which still require one password to allow employees to access company apps.

Microsoft Authenticator will eliminate this last password. Microsoft Authenticator is an app available on mobile devices. How does this work? Simple: Login to your machine, enter your username and the Microsoft Authenticator app will replace the password. After entering the username, you confirm the sign-in with the Microsoft Authenticator app using a pin or fingerprint. Besides the ability to go passwordless, the app provides an extra layer of security. The app also helps you secure all of your online accounts by using the industry standard time-based OTP (one-time password) codes.

Windows Hello for Business

Windows Hello for Business is new in Windows 10. Windows Hello replaces the password with a new user credential: Biometric or PIN.

Windows Hello let’s users authenticate to:

  • a Microsoft account.
  • an Active Directory account.
  • a Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) account.
  • Identity Provider Services

Windows Hello is set up on the user’s machine and will ask the user to set an authentication method which can be a biometric, such as a fingerprint, face scan, or a PIN. Once set, your machine will use Windows Hello to authenticate and provide access. No password needed.

As an administrator in an enterprise or educational organization, you can create policies to manage Windows Hello for Business use on Windows 10-based devices that connect to your organization.

Interested to learn how we can help you create the best and easiest access experiences possible for your employees or business? Or want to go passwordless with one of the options above and need help? Let’s connect!

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