Is your organization thinking about working remotely? Here is what you need to pay attention to

Organizations are changing and more companies are adopting working remote policies providing employees the possibility to work from anywhere. What are the benefits of working remotely and what are the challenges?

The benefits of working remotely

  • Flexibility

Working remotely allows employees to build a schedule that suits best alongside their personal needs. This is not the case with a work schedule demanded by a workplace because that scenario does not take personal needs into account. By giving employees a flexible work schedule, it is proven to lead to loyalty and happiness at the job.

  • Increased productivity

Not everyone is as productive during certain hours as others. We are all different. By giving employees the option to schedule their own hours, everyone has a chance to figure out when they perform at their best which will increase the general productivity of your organization.

  • Increased talent pool

When considering a remote workforce, you will be able to select talents not only nearby but all over the world. This makes it easier to find the perfect fit for your open positions and it can help cover your global business needs.

  • Better work-life balance

When working remotely employees can spend more time on social occasions with friends and family and, as mentioned previously, take care of their personal needs. This generates a better work-life balance and employees remain healthier.

The challenges of working remotely

  • Security & Controls

By providing the flexibility to work remotely, your organization can become more vulnerable to security breaches simply because people work using unsafe home networks or public wifi networks and there is no control on performing software updates which often provide the security patches that are necessary to protect your machines and software.

  • Discipline

Discipline is mentioned often as one of the challenges of working remotely. Whether your employees work from home, from a coffee bar or anywhere else, there is no pressure from the office environment and there aren’t colleagues around that can act as a motivator or push deadlines. Employees will need the discipline to act as their own motivator and they need to stay extremely organized.

  • Communication

Communication is important when working remotely. As the in-person aspect is missing, communication can become more difficult. However, it is not impossible to tackle this as there are a lot of tools, such as Dynamix Global Conferencing, video calling and other methods to stay in touch with your colleagues and customers on a regular basis.

  • Better work-life balance

When working remotely employees can spend more time on social occasions with friends and family and, as mentioned previously, take care of their personal needs. This generates a better work-life balance and employees remain healthier.

How do you make remote working a success?

To make sure that working remotely will be successful for your organization, you need to make sure employees have a flexible and instant virtual office space ready for them to be able to work from anywhere. This will tackle a large part of the communication and discipline challenges. With the right tools, such as a flexible phone system, chat, video calling, conferencing and more, colleagues can be virtually present and can act as motivators without the need for an office environment.

Dynamix Business Voice is a good example, where you have instant communication tools and conferencing capabilities to work seamlessly with your team members wherever you are and you can use it on any device. It integrates with a lot of productivity tools you might already have to make remote working an even smarter choice.

Another benefit is that with Dynamix products and services you do not have to worry about security when having a remote workforce. Our products and services enforce good protections around data, such as access control, automatic updates and encryption.

Want to know more about our remote working capabilities or would like to request a consult on best practices? Feel free to schedule an appointment with a Dynamix expert.

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